About Spence Engineering
Spence Engineering Company, Inc. manufactures automatic fluid controls and steam fluid control devices. The Company produces valves, actuators, regulators, traps, couplings, strainers and other fluid control devices. Spence Engineering operates in the United States and Canada.
Spence offers a broad range of valves meeting ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel code requirements as well as the “NB” Certificate. They provide over pressure protection for steam, air gases, vapors, water, liquids and powdered solids. Set pressures up to 300 psi for steam and up to 900psi psi for air and gases.
Spence Products
Types of Regulator Valves Below
Pressure Regulators
Temperature Regulators
Spence Engineering offers direct operated valves for both pressure and temperature applications. The series 2000 temperature regulator is the simple low cost solution for gradually changing and continuous loads for steam, gases, water and other liquids. Two options, the D50 and D/D2 give you two options for pressure reduction and the N6 for differential pressure applications.
Pressure & Temperature Regulators
Donaldson’s competitive fit filter elements are available in numerous variations and easily fit into our Donaldson housings or housings of most popular filter brands.